Wednesday, August 1, 2007


nbsp;Attorney General Alberto Gonzales may indeed be guilty of perjury in his testimony regarding his 2004 confrontation with other top Justice officials.  But while guilty, he may also be blameless.  Why blameless, because with his tendency to not recall (and presuming these are not manufactured non-recalls) he probably forgot what he intended to do even before he’d began doing it, basically he was an accidental jurist.  We are puzzled by one other thing at the Faux and that is if these memory lapses have been an ongoing problem for Attorney Gonzales in his personal history, how did he pass his bar exam to become an attorney in the first place?   Or fittingly, did the man who serves the commander of the bar-set-so-low ranch become an attorney by passing a bar-set-so-low exam?  Has Mr. Gonzales been an open book, hardly, but our guess is that’s the kind of test he probably got.

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