Thursday, October 30, 2008


It takes a desperate man to sing a desperate song and in the last days of this campaign we find the socialist tune that the McCain bunch is singing about Barack Obama is hard on the ears as well as the mind. We are told and retold that Mr. McCain has a deep admiration for Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan and that they are in fact his personal role models. We would hope then that at some point Mr. McCain learns their actual views. That's because T.R. was one of the first passionate advocates of the progressive income tax (wealth redistribution) and R.R. originated the earned income tax credit (tax welfare?) to people making low incomes. Were these men socialists? According to McCain and Palin the answer would be yes if it serves them politically and if you take a fair and balanced look, ideologically Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan are socialists or maybe even Marxists compared to the current Republican ticket.

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