Monday, June 1, 2009


Chad Bullock is a young man from North Carolina who just turned 20 years old. Amazingly, he just won a prize of $100,000 to work on the project of his choice which is to make the ballpark of the minor league baseball team in Durham, N.C. smoke free. The park as long been a bastion of those inhaling, and the inhaling by others of what the smokers exhaled. Chad’s grandfather was a smoker and died of cancer, and through smart campaigning for this cause so close to his heart Chad won the crown and the gold. The Durham Bulls park is now a smoke free facility, so Chad Bullock is smoking because the people in the park aren’t.

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Anonymous said...

I met him and I love CHAD! He is so inspirational and real with it. And kind of cute!


Sandy said...

Well done! That had to be a hard thing to do in the tobacco rich area.

Bet this isn't the last we'll hear from this young man.

stopped in to say thanks for placing my ad, it's appreciated.

Bob said...

Make a new post and maybe more people won't drop and run.

Mrs Sweetwater said...

Thats a great cause indeed.

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