Friday, August 28, 2009


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Whats wrong with this story? There is a place in Aspen, CO called the Silver Lining Ranch that was supposed to be sold to Chabad of Aspen, the Jewish resource center. The ranch was founded by ex-tennis star and now nun Andrea Jaeger who has made this her lifes work. You see, the ranch gives terminally ill children a place to play happily and comfortably for their time left on this earth so they can feel like full humans. Due to economic hardships at her foundation she couldnt fund the operation, so she wanted to sell the ranch property to Rabbi Mendel Mintz (of Chabad) for $13.5 million in an agreement where both organizations would benefit from the 6.5 acre property. It would be renovated to be a Center for Jewish Life and simultaneously serve as a camp for the terminally ill children. Sounds like the happy ending to a 1930's movie of the star athlete nun and the enterprising rabbi working together. Somehow the local residents put such legal pressure on Chabad that they had to withdraw their offer.

We at the Faux suspect that at a Chabad center for Jewish life there might be some Jews around the place. I mean, what gives it away? While these folks will deny it, this is clearly anti-Semitic. Chabad didnt want a multi-year court battle which would leave these ill children with nothing in the meantime. I would love to know to political background of the people who have stopped this "awful" union of an enterprising rabbi and a charitable nun. Those who read us regularly probably already know.

Some pics

nun Andrea Jaeger

Rabbi Mendel mintz

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1. There are reliable people who aren't honest and honest people who aren't reliable. People who are honest and reliable are, in some ways, the rarest of gems.
2. Mark Twain once said "its not what you pay a man, its what hes costs you". In these economic times it would be revised; its not what you pay a man, its what he saves you.

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Saturday, August 22, 2009


On Cape Cod - the land of Obama sticker rock, where the President vacations on Martha’s vineyard – all the cars drive with windows closed tight. It is 95 degrees outside. Then came along one exception and the sticker that stuck. A rambling wreck of a car with windows open (probably because there was no a/c) and her McCain/Palin sticker on her bumber. It made me think; in this land of the well-to-do, this lady couldn’t afford an a/c for her car, which makes us assume she probably can’t afford health insurance either. We respect her right to vote her choice, but this sticker definitely stuck, as we wondered why she would choose that way. We hope she gets a/c sometime, and we hope she has health care all the time.

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He’s here, hes gone, hes back hes changed his mind and now hes back again. Brett Favre is back playing for the Vikins and the only surprise that we at the Faux have is that anyone is actually surprised. Besides, for those of you who remember the political campaigns of his agent it all makes sense. His agent is Ross Perot… or Ross “I’m back in it” Perot.

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Friday, August 21, 2009


When Robert Novak spoke to Moorehouse State he gave the students this advice. Always love your country but never trust your government. On August 18th Mr. Novak died and while do not wish to disrespect the dead, we remember his outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame and what it tells is to love your country and distrust people who say they love their country if they are serving for opposing parts of government. Mr. Novak served well for the Bush people. The passing of all people diminishes us, but the passing of all politics enhances us.

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The following criticisms of Obamas health care plan are

It will give health care to illegal immigrants
It will use federal money to pay for abortions
There will be a government takeover of health care
The government will decide on the care for the elderly

Now, these faux phactologies can be found in roughly half the country and we will tell you where. 55% of the country believes health care will be given to illegal immigrants. 57% believes federal money will fund abortions. 54% believe the government will take over health care. And 45% believe the government will decide on care for the elderly. Where these faux phacts are found are solely in the minds of people who believe them. An extensive fact check by all major news networks led by NBC has shown that none of these items exist in ANY of the proposed plans. So these fears only exist in the minds of people who haven’t checked the facts, and as we have seen when the fear kicks in the Republicans take over the press. We revisit the line we attribute to Karl “Roosevelt” Rove; we have nothing to fear other than not having the use of fear itself.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009


Senator Chuck Grassley (R) from Iowa came out with one of the most fascinating admissions about himself, bipartisanship and the Republican party in general. He admitted there might be a health bill passed which had a compromise on the public option which he basically liked and which would do America a lot of good. But he didn’t say he would vote for it, because he would have to convince his Republican colleagues that what he already knows is right is really right. Just one more scattershot from the Grassley knoll.

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In 2003 President Bush signed into law an expansion of Medicare which included the same end of life counseling that the Democrats are proposing to make optional in the new health care reform bill. So, in all fairness we would have to consider that the first death panel. What we have now is (not life after death but) death after death. Somehow in 2003 no one seemed to mind this counseling and it was never termed a “death panel”.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Here are some words we find wonderfully contradictory. Our previous words have been “amicable divorce” “inclusive Republicans” and some others. We recently have found “genuine plastic” and “original copies” to add to our list.

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Let’s take a close look at who the “screamers” are at the recent town hall health care debates and how to respond to them. The Obama administration has to keep pointing out the savings and the assurance for people who already have health care. These people are worried about it costing too much and they worry about losing it, so Obama has to hammer that point home. And as far as the screamers, not to be harsh on them but whichever group is funding them is isn’t the anti-obesity program. Sadly, a higher percentage of people that have health care turn out to vote than those who don’t, so the pitch must be thus made.

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How is the President doing? Well, 30% of American disapproves of him. Let’s look at these numbers according to the NBC poll. 48% of southerners disagree with him, 51% of men over age 50 disagree with him and 75% of white evangelicals (surprisingly) disagree with him. Sometimes you are judged by the quality of your opposition.

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Recently, NY Times columnist David Brooks commented on Rush Limbaugh’s diatribe comparing Obama and Pelosi to Hitler and the Nazis by calling it “absolutely insane”. We congratulate David for his very sane remark, but can you find me the election where Brooks and Limbaugh have not voted alike?

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Newark Mayor Cory Booker said it best. How is it that the NRA pushes bills that allow convicted criminals to carry guns? How do the push for people that are on a “no fly” list to buy guns? How do they push to allow people at gun shows to buy guns without background checks? In the city of Newark last year there was not a single shooting with a gun that was bought with a proper background check. So why does the NRA have a policy of No Reason Allowed and insist on laws that put citizens and police at risk? How can that be a left-right debate, and how can it be defended?

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Monday, August 3, 2009


The Obama whitehouse has misfired in selling their health plan. They were talking to the 80% of American who already have health care, and hoping they would be concerned with those who don’t have it. Sad to say, humans are selfish, Americans are humans, and therefore we are a selfish country.

However if you do have health care keep in mind that it is only as good as your employment status and your health pre-conditions. Because if your company goes under or you lose your job and you have any type of pre-existing condition it might just make it a bit easier to see things from the administrations prospective and good luck getting insurance.

In terms of the insurance industry, consider this; which other industry has 20% of their employees there only to make sure they DON’T do their job (paying for claims)? Imagine if 20% of the police or fire department was there to ensure that calls were not responded to. Scary, huh?

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We have to hand it to the Obama administration. While the deadlines that Obama wanted for the healthcare plan to be voted into place were not met, there is a lot of senatorial and congressional discussion in the coming weeks and months. 4 health care bills have been voted on in 4 committees to help get us towards a serious resolution. That is more than in the whole previous generation. It seems that this is the first group of politicians that really truly recognizes the problem we face with the current health care system.

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The cold beer summit at the white house featured President Obama, VP Biden, Prof. Gates and Sgt. Crowley. Obama had a Bud light which as Fluxnews (Fox) keeps pointing out has recently been purchased by a company in another country thereby showing Obama’s blatant non-patriotism. Sgt Crowley had a Blue Moon, Prof Gates had a Sam Adams light (showing his patriotism), and Mr. Biden doesn’t drink out of fear he will talk too much. While we think this may help race relations (or may not) it definitely doesn’t help fluxnews (Fox), who had to work really hard to find something wrong here. This was some guys getting together for beer, so let it go Fox news. Unlike the stock market we can’t even say it was a bull market as noone drank Red Bull so lets just cheer this beer market.

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This will include Faux terms, phrases, abbreviations and acronyms. The Faxuwordy for this week; When something has been delayed for such a long time that its now “aft”. An aft item is when “about f****ing time” its has reached the point of “aft”.

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The Faux News Network Principles

A) We distort, you abide
B) Or we retort if you deride, unless we choose not to
C) Complete sentences are acceptable in lieu of complete truths
D) It’s OK to criticize the 2006 Democratic Congress for all America’s problems since 2001
E) We shoot from the flip
F) We’re not always accurate but we’re always certain
G) On what we feel is wrong in this world, we can’t stop people from saying I don’t agree or I don’t care, but we won’t let them say I didn’t know
H) The director’s board has a whim of irony
I) In times of emergency, we should rally around our President: In times of democracy he should do the same for us
J) We proudly plagiarize in advance, examples available upon request
K) It’s easy to be fun-based when you’re fact based
L) Good news parody makes for good news parity
M) And, of course, our goal is and always will be to be the most trusted name in Faux News