Monday, August 3, 2009


The cold beer summit at the white house featured President Obama, VP Biden, Prof. Gates and Sgt. Crowley. Obama had a Bud light which as Fluxnews (Fox) keeps pointing out has recently been purchased by a company in another country thereby showing Obama’s blatant non-patriotism. Sgt Crowley had a Blue Moon, Prof Gates had a Sam Adams light (showing his patriotism), and Mr. Biden doesn’t drink out of fear he will talk too much. While we think this may help race relations (or may not) it definitely doesn’t help fluxnews (Fox), who had to work really hard to find something wrong here. This was some guys getting together for beer, so let it go Fox news. Unlike the stock market we can’t even say it was a bull market as noone drank Red Bull so lets just cheer this beer market.

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