Friday, November 20, 2009


Nellis air force base in Nevada is the home for the air force Thunderbirds. Their home show is on veterans day which was last week, and the show has to be seen and heard to be believed. Flying well past the speed of sound and oblivious to the laws of gravity, these pilots and their planes are as impressive a group of performers one could imagine. Its literally like one of these science fiction movies, except its lots of science and no fiction. Their spins, loops, dives, and changes of pace...if the G-force doesn't take their breath away, it takes ours away as we watch. We had the privilege of sitting with the family section, so we had a good of a lot of the maneuvers close up. The show consists of planes from different eras (Korea, Vietnam and current) flying together, but the show of shows is "high thunder" in a clear sky. Its worth seeing if you are touring that part of the country. Lastly, not that we ever want these folks in combat, but if they ever have to be, these are the guys and planes we want on our side.

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