Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bristol Palin has the challenges of being the daughter of a public figure and being a single mother. She is going to do a speaking tour on these challenges. Although, her challenges are going to be somewhat more evolved or modified, or have kind of a different ambience take your pick. She is going to be getting a minimum of $30,000.00 per speaking engagement so she is going to have to give an update on the challenges of a single mother who makes $30,000.00 per speech has to raise a child. That’s different and we are sure there will be no underlying political message on behalf of her mother. It will be a sincere discussion of the real struggles of the young single mother who’s like really, really raking it in. Hey, Kudos, when her mother said “does you love your freedom”? I guess this system in America here with speaking engagements and unlimited fees gives you a lot of it.

1 comment:

Gary Anderson said...

I noticed the father of her child apologized to Sarry. I guess money talks, because I can't figure out any other reason he would do that. Sarah Palin is a scoundrel as I discuss on .

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