Friday, August 27, 2010

student loansLately the GAO (Government Accounting Office) at the behest of the Obama administration is examining these for profit universities and the degrees of their degree. The fact is these online folks appear to be giving people a line. One example is; a basic massage course from a junior college goes for $500.00 and from these folks as much as $14,000.00. This is truly “hire education” as in they are being hired but how much education are people getting? A number of these as Stephen Colbert pointed out are owned by very reputable parent companies, for instance Goldman Sachs or as they are officially known to Fauxvians as Goldman Sacks and Plunders and now if you attempt to buy your education from those folks you’ll have plundered because (to repeat), these for profit universities online are giving you a line. Truly hire education

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