Friday, February 18, 2011

Former Major League pitcher and manager Dallas Green showed up as he was expected to at the Philadelphia Phillies training camp in Clearwater, Florida. He is special advisor to the team and was in fact the manager of their first ever world championship in 1980. He is a big tough guy, but the random tragedies of this world have hit him below the belt as they can hit any of us, as his beloved daughter Christina Taylor Green was the youngest victim of the shooting in Tucson this past month. She was not hit in the first wave of bullets, that was for target Gabby Giffords; she was hit later on when the shooter with a 33 bullet magazine could keep shooting. Green addressed it; “I don’t have a glock, or whatever it is, I don’t have a magazine with 33 bullets in it” he continued “ that doesn’t make any sense to me be able to sell those kinds of things, I guess I never thought about it until this happened. What reason is there to have all those kinds of guns out there and to kill people? I just don’t understand that". Our minds and our hearts and our questions as well are with Dallas Green, we don’t understand it either, especially when your loss involves the last 20 bullets.

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