Monday, August 15, 2011


Presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty is a candidate no more. He has dropped out of the race after placing a distant third in the Iowa straw poll. This is a non-official poll whose winners have often failed to gain traction in the actual presidential election. Tim Pawlenty was the one Republican who was the Governor of a blue state (Minnesota) and had a reputation for working well with the Democrats, which is probably why the tea baggers won’t vote for him. Columnist George Will (of “when there’s a will there’s a sway” fame) wrote that Pawlenty was one of only two logical Republican candidates, the other being Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels who also won’t run (This makes Mr. Will 0-2). We were hoping down the road to have more “good and Pawlenty” but it seems we are doomed to not having a farthing of bipartisanship. Clearly, that’s what this Republican party wants, heaven help us if that’s what they get.

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