Thursday, September 1, 2011


Such masters of human compassion as Eric Cantor and Dick Cheney and Rand Paul are complaining about the amount of money FEMA is spending to deal with the human and financial toll of hurricane Irene. Irene has been called one of the 10 greatest disasters in American history, and remarkably the preparedness of FEMA and the other government agencies have kept the death toll to a minimum. It’s a tragedy that anyone was lost, but consider Katrina, where we just stood by and let it happen. There were way too many deaths in New Orleans, a great city was destroyed, and well over 100,000 people were displaced, many of them permanently. Well, you can disregard Katrina if you are Michael Brown of “heck of a job, Brownie” fame (or as we call it “heck of a job, clownie), as he is one of those condemning the government for overreacting to Irene. Messrs. Paul, Cantor, Cheney and Brown are creatures of nature, so in that sense they are natural disasters. Heck of a job clownies!

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