Thursday, November 17, 2011

Executive Traction

President Obama this week is issuing an executive order which he and his admin believe will stop the growing number of shortages of vital medicines. Many are used to treat life threatening illnesses including cancer and bacterial infections. He’s both offering help and rather “direct incentive” to drug manufacturers and wholesalers. It’s the first time since 1985 that a President has “become involved in FDA (Food & Drug Administration) issues,” but the fact is, people need these medications and we need executive action. Drugs for the following disease have been declared in short supply: Child Leukemia, breast and colon cancer, and a number of other infections. And some of these prices have risen between 15 to 100 times.
For people who don’t want government to interfere, I think we want government to interfere when it’s our medicine. And that’s good medicine for us all to remember that we at times have to take.

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