Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Good "job"news

Good job news is that the economy for a third month did show solid gains and did add over 225,000 jobs. All patriotic Americans are overjoyed, particularly Republicans. Well, not as much. Many suckers had improvements, some didn’t. But again the old joke: The difference between a recession and a depression is in a recession you don’t work; in a depression I don’t work, so unemployment is still very individual and very personal. Mitt Romney pointed out that 25 million people in America were still
unemployed or under employed and he only laid off a portion of them.

Gas prices are hurting, but in the three years that Obama has been there, the reversal of private job losses has stopped and the growth of government has also been stopped. The biggest shrinkage has been public sector jobs. That’s what Republicans wanted, isn’t it? Well, maybe only if they could take credit. And again, Mitt Romney and Bain are not responsible for the majority of these people still unemployed.

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