Friday, October 12, 2012


According to the Tax Policy Center and virtually every other group of economic analysts that arent under the thumb of Rupert Murdoch and/or Fox News the tax cuts proposed by the Romney/Ryan team are roughly (and that's pretty rough) 5 trillion (5,000,000,000,000) dollars. They claim it is "revenue neutral" and will be made up by closing loopholes and deductions. But forgive the play on words, their solutions amount to "50 shades of vague". Because if you divide 5 trillion by 300 million (as in the number of Americans) it would amount to over $16,000 in "savings" from every man, woman, child and infant in America. Where to begin, well were they to cut the funding of PBS that would amount to $1.35/year for each of us, or to go from the ridiculous to the sublime, less that 0.3 cents/day. Sounds like we are not quite half way there.

1 comment:

T.W. Day said...

Very much like Nixon's secret plan to get us out of Vietnam.

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