Sunday, February 10, 2013

Republican exit polls

 Gov. Bobby Junedale said Republicans had to stop being the "stupid party", Bill Maher said they had to stop being the "crazy party" but we have a different take here at real FOX News. With thanks to Dick Gregory we learned the following from the exit polls in the November presidential election; 60% said the income tax rate should either go up on all Americans or those with incomes above $250,000. 59 percent said abortion should be legal in all or most cases and 65% said that illegal immigrants should have a legal status. Maybe being the "stupid party" or the "crazy party" has simply resulted in they're being the "wrong party". This is sad, because America needs two correct parties at least on basic issues and fairness, which the conservative movement (i.e. the Republican Party) have historically been on the wrong side and  sadly almost every single time. Aside from not being the party of the present they're barely the party of the recent past.

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