Monday, April 22, 2013

The 60% solution

So it has happened, the post Newtown gun legislation has been defeated U.S. Senate. And now as before, 40% of the gun sales in this country (i.e. gun shows and over the Internet) will go on with no background checks. But that begs the question; in what other context would the Senate and House find such a 40% gap acceptable regarding the safety of their own families? Would it be okay if the FAA only inspected 40% of the airplanes for safety, or if the FDA Left 40% of our food uninspected? Would the NRA devotees in the US Congress feel safe if the airlines only screened 60% of the luggage going on board our flights? Probably not.

 President Obama was spot on when he said to those who would consider this a victory “a victory for what a victory for whom?” Well those against this legislation, ignoring the actual wording of the bill might well answer; for the survival of the Second Amendment. Really? How about considering the survival of our country’s second grades.

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