Thursday, August 28, 2014

Gun sense, its not common and its not automatic

In White Hills, Arizona at a gun range called ironically the"Last Stop outdoor shooting range" it seems this family vacationing from New Jersey thought it would be really cool to have their nine-year-old girl - that's right NINE - to get practice shooting an Uzi. Sigh, what could go wrong did go wrong, and the gun she was shooting proved too much for her, and she actually shot and killed her instructor. But again she was nine and the policy in Arizona is allow them to shoot Uzis once they reach eight. You seven year olds will just have to wait until you mature or whatever Arizona decides, with the blessing of course of the NRA, you know No Reason Allowed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as "bipolar". Psychiatry itself is a bogus science. The following articles and essays explain this:

12 Part essay that exposes psychiatry as a bogus science

Inventor of ADHD: “ADHD is a fictitious disease”

Co-Founder of DSM admits there is no way to scientifically prove that mentall illness is real

One year old babies and younger being put on psychiatric drugs

Psychiatric Drugs Shorten Life Span by 15 years on average

Psychiatry is based on lies and falsehoods

Psychiatry is a fake science

Every human emotion is now a "mental illness"

Ten Myths about Psychiatric Drugs

Studies show psychiatric drugs have no benefits and are dangerous

Psychiatry is now giving 3 year old children drugs

Psychiatric drugs make you sicker

A few free eBooks talking about how psychiatry is a massive hoax

A list of THOUSANDS of psychiatrists who have committed crimes against their patients

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