Monday, December 15, 2014

America the beautiful, America the ironic

It seems like it's always the draft dodgers, the guys who wanted to do everything in the Vietnam war except actually participate in it who are the "roughest and toughest ". Defending our policy of “enhanced interrogation" are Senator Saxby Chambliss and former Vice President Dick Cheney, who have multiple deferments between them. Against torture of any kind is volunteer war hero Senator John McCain, he who has never backed off from that stance one iota, as he knows firsthand just how that stuff "works out".  Mr. McCain’s kind of honor gives even more credence to the phrase “America the beautiful”. So then isn't it interesting that Israel, which the Republican right claims to so fervently admire has firmly and unequivocally forsworn torture of any kind no matter what the circumstance. Which is why folks like Chambliss and Cheney remind us we can be “America the Ironic”, if we let them speak for us, and I say this as a veteran and who is darned proud of it.

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