Thursday, March 12, 2015

Rudy Giuliani's love was limited

Rudy Giulani is in the news for his assertion that "President Obama does not love this country" an opinion to which he is entitled, although he is now back-pedaling like mad. But Giuliani's statement raises a question for which we - the American public - deserve an answer. And that is Mr. Giuliani, if you love this country indeed, then why didn't you serve it in deed during the Vietnam era. You made draft dodging literally an art form when after several student deferments expired you applied for another, with your reason being, get this, you were a "law clerk". You even got a federal judge to intervene on your behalf, when that application was rejected. Imagine then, if constitutional law professor Barack Obama were of age in that time and used that particular excuse, you and FOXNews would make it a miniseries.

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