Thursday, October 11, 2007


Anyone and everyone who follows baseball, knows of the legend of George Herman Ruth, known as the Babe. Babe Ruth was baseball’s first great slugger and given his lack of chemical enhancements, may be still the greatest in that respect; thus the term “Ruthian”. In Greek and Roman mythology, there was a man named Hercules, the offspring of Zeus and Alcamore, who really got a rep for doing the heavy lifting of his day with the result that his level of physical prowess came to be known as “Herculean”.

Babe Ruth did exist although some of his feats are embellished in legend, and Hercules was, of course, born from myth, but there is an individual among us whose challenges and subsequent triumphs should inspire his own descriptive term and that man is Alan Dershowitz and we at the Faux feel the phrase of achievement in his, the legal fields of scholarship and law should be “Dershowitian”. Consider the man stood against the Soviets in the case of Anatoly Sharansky and our government, many times, involving a mind boggling scope of individuals. His clients included Dr. Benjamin Spock, David Crosby, Mike Milken, Mike Tyson, OJ Simpson, Kenny Rogers and even Harry Reems, to name but a few. His successes are as consistent as they are remarkable; they are truly “Dershowitian”. We at the Faux hope to have the honor of meeting Mr. Dershowitz soon.

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