Friday, November 28, 2008

Joe's Lost-er Man?

Who can forget, whatever candidate you chose, “Independent Democrat” Joe Liberman's non stop presence along side of , behind, and in the ear of (as in to help with the necessary Sunni Shiite distinctions, for one thing) GOP candidate John McCain. Then the American people spoke and everyone waited for the Democratic leadership to have the pleasure of stripping Ole Joe of his cherished Homeland Security Chairmanship. The precedent was there wasn’t it, didn’t George W Bush with almost a 1 ½ % victory margin in 2004 say, “I’ve got political capital and I’m going to spend it”, although we had no idea at the time just how sub prime his ‘capital’ would be. But lo, beyond the Democrats leadership was the Democratic leader, President elect Barack Obama who let it be known he wanted Senator Lieberman to keep his post. This was not “no drama”. Obama, but was instead “a more mellow drama” Obama. And Joe Lieberman should in the name of common sense have found his way and from now on be the best team player he can possibly be. Think about it Ole Joe, if you’d been a Republican who crossed President Bush, you’d have been sleeping with the gefilte fishes.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

AM Radio, PM Mood, Something to Be Thankful For

The mood of Rush, Bill O and Sean is of course bleak those days. We’re not sure how people who’ve lived off an anti-Semitic under tone sit Shiva politically but they’ve still got (almost) two months of cherishing President Bush, and not having to fear not having the use of fear itself. One of their most often used much devices to justify a reversal of the Constitution at “24” hours notice (yes, Jack Bauer is back) is to quote the imminent supreme court justice Robert Jackson as follows “the Bill of Rights is not a suicide pact”. On being fair and balanced we wonder if they’ll remember (as their “war on Christmas season approaches) another thought from a supreme justice, “if we don’t have the freedom of irreligion, then we don’t have freedom of religion” which seems quite relevent. Go know, the source of this wisdom is that very same gentleman, Robert Jackson; aren’t facts fun. And speaking of religious freedom that is one of the things we should truly be most thankful for at this Thanksgiving time.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Yeah, imagine that. Your old doctor retires and your new one to whom you have been referred says by the way he doesn't really believe in medicine. At least that's what he says when he introduces himself to you. Or say your airplane pilot doesn't believe in flight plans, FAA bulletins, or updated weather reports. How about if the detective trying to track down the person who robbed your irreplaceable belongings doesn't believe in forensics or databases concerning similar crimes. And even more chilling, say you need emergency surgery and the on-call surgeon doesn't like to spend lots of time reading the latest medical journals or improved techniques on blood clotting or other possible complications. No, this medical practitioner prefers to operate on instinct. Feel better and...safer yet? No huh, so why did we so uncritically accept Ronald Reagan's "government is the problem" or the "fuzzy math" (fuzzy to him obviously) disclaimer of G W. Bush regarding economic matters, so tranquilly. No one can be any good at a profession in which they don't believe so lets see just what President-elect Obama can do, but wait on judging him until hes had the chance to actually do it. Since the 2 aforementioned presidents, R.R. and W, along with Bush Sr. combine to produce over 85% of the total debt incurred in our history and none of them much liked government, we've got 2 questions. First, can anyone doubt these supposed "fiscal conservatives" weren't very traditionally conservative or very fiscal for that matter, and second, if they disliked the idea of government why the f&%k did they run?

Friday, November 7, 2008


This goes by acclamation to Northern Reb for his precinct prediction of Mr. Obama getting 338 electoral votes was by far the closest of any of our pundits. And for a long time that was his exact total. Mr. Obama's performance exceeded that number of course, but N. Reb's performance far outdid that of Ray S. T. Coadd, C. A. Sandras, and of course Norman who was at once so very certain and so very wrong.


It's obvious America has spoken at the ballot box and how; the plurality achieved by President-Elect Barack Obama is greater than both of George W. Bush's victories combined. And it appears when the count is complete you could add Bill Clinton's re-election margin his second time around and Mr. Obama's advantage would still be more. We are working on some post election features which may become regular so what may follow over the next few days is our trial run.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Obama loses with 268 electoral votes and losing another 70 to states with voting machines, recounts etc. Supreme court insists on a revote. When Mr. McCain wins, please please don't aggrevate him. Just because your blood pressure is up don't get his up, need incentive? consider this phrase...President Sarah Palin.

Raymond S.T. Coadd;
Thanks to an extreme amount of support from right wing Jews McCain wins every swing state by .0004 percent. McCain loses popular vote by 8 million. To ensure further such “success” the Republicans fund a new organization called “Rabbis for Jews for Jesus” with the motto “better the anti-semite you know than the anti semite you don’t”.

Charles A. Sandras;
Obama wins after a 60 day recount due to challenges involving among other things ACORN. For those not familiar with ACORN’s problems, homeless people given vote list to fill out completed one list with the names Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. The republicans base their protest on 2 factors. 1. Sexism because Minny Mouse and Daizy Duck were not included and 2. The notorious rightwing Disney would have only republican characters. The democrats finally win believe it or not when supreme court justice Scalia changes his vote due to family values issues upon learning that both Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck plan to come to the polls as usual not wearing pants.

Northern Reb;
Obama wins with 300 electoral votes. Ohio goes to McCain; Florida and Pennsylvania to Obama. McCain goes back to denouncing Falwell and Palin immediately announces a 2012 run. She hires Karl Rove as her manager.


With all the high-flying political rhetoric amidst the backdrop of our low flying stock market, focus on Iran-and the threat it poses to the middle east, particularly Israel-has gone into the background. Just this past month Israel approached our country seeking our approval as it were to pre-emptively strike Iran should the situation require. The Bush administration gave a flat out "no" and it goes without saying that a disapproving United States pressures Israel on many levels. Mr. Bush's reasons are his own-well it seems they always are, but among the factors here is that he may well feel since he had so long talked the talk about loving/supporting/courting (take your pick) of Jews and Israel and that he no longer needs their votes, he has nothing to prove. And therein lies the rub and the special way in which Barack Hussein Obama, the man with something to prove, may be the best thing for Israel, ever. Consider the very Conservative publication Ha'aretz in Israel-there's this idea Obama may well be one of the best if not the best friend Israel has ever had in the White House.

Let's review some quick history: Harry Truman, a Democrat we should remind the Republicans who claim to revere him, recognized Israel and was followed into office by Dwight D. Eisenhower. President "Ike" gave Israel his sympathy (perhaps) but nothing else, and to be brutally frank, sympathy is hard to lock and load. Then came JFK, whose father Joe in the words of so many in that time was not unsympathetic to a lot of the "ambiance" of Nazi Germany, to put it politely. So then JFK had something to prove, and that he did, sending Israel the arms she would eventually need in the 1967 Six Day War, need as in to survive.

To make a very long story just a bit more concise later came Nixon, that old "commie baiter" himself. But it was he who thus could and did choose to open relations with communist China. On point it was a Democrat, President Bill Clinton, who would engineer the greatest welfare reform, far more to the center than many would have predicted in his presidency. So worry not fearful Jews, heed the words of Ha'aretz, often called the "Fox News of Israel" which mentioned the Kennedys (not Nixon or Clinton) as making such a point, namely that Barack Middle Name Hussein Obama, the man with something to prove, will prove it to Israel's benefit. If you need further hints, it's known that many Arab states, specifically Saudi Arabia, are very un-thrilled at the prospect of an Obama presidency. Finally think, really think of what men like our current President Bush who feel they have nothing to prove regarding Israel have done outside of rhetoric. It took Mr. Bush over seven years to even visit Israel, and this past summer he forbid her to take any preemptive action against Iran should a nuclear strike seem imminent. Right, he doesn't have to help Israel, just profess his love, because he's the man with nothing to prove.

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F) We’re not always accurate but we’re always certain
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