Friday, November 28, 2008

Joe's Lost-er Man?

Who can forget, whatever candidate you chose, “Independent Democrat” Joe Liberman's non stop presence along side of , behind, and in the ear of (as in to help with the necessary Sunni Shiite distinctions, for one thing) GOP candidate John McCain. Then the American people spoke and everyone waited for the Democratic leadership to have the pleasure of stripping Ole Joe of his cherished Homeland Security Chairmanship. The precedent was there wasn’t it, didn’t George W Bush with almost a 1 ½ % victory margin in 2004 say, “I’ve got political capital and I’m going to spend it”, although we had no idea at the time just how sub prime his ‘capital’ would be. But lo, beyond the Democrats leadership was the Democratic leader, President elect Barack Obama who let it be known he wanted Senator Lieberman to keep his post. This was not “no drama”. Obama, but was instead “a more mellow drama” Obama. And Joe Lieberman should in the name of common sense have found his way and from now on be the best team player he can possibly be. Think about it Ole Joe, if you’d been a Republican who crossed President Bush, you’d have been sleeping with the gefilte fishes.

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