Monday, November 24, 2008


Yeah, imagine that. Your old doctor retires and your new one to whom you have been referred says by the way he doesn't really believe in medicine. At least that's what he says when he introduces himself to you. Or say your airplane pilot doesn't believe in flight plans, FAA bulletins, or updated weather reports. How about if the detective trying to track down the person who robbed your irreplaceable belongings doesn't believe in forensics or databases concerning similar crimes. And even more chilling, say you need emergency surgery and the on-call surgeon doesn't like to spend lots of time reading the latest medical journals or improved techniques on blood clotting or other possible complications. No, this medical practitioner prefers to operate on instinct. Feel better and...safer yet? No huh, so why did we so uncritically accept Ronald Reagan's "government is the problem" or the "fuzzy math" (fuzzy to him obviously) disclaimer of G W. Bush regarding economic matters, so tranquilly. No one can be any good at a profession in which they don't believe so lets see just what President-elect Obama can do, but wait on judging him until hes had the chance to actually do it. Since the 2 aforementioned presidents, R.R. and W, along with Bush Sr. combine to produce over 85% of the total debt incurred in our history and none of them much liked government, we've got 2 questions. First, can anyone doubt these supposed "fiscal conservatives" weren't very traditionally conservative or very fiscal for that matter, and second, if they disliked the idea of government why the f&%k did they run?

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