Saturday, August 22, 2009


On Cape Cod - the land of Obama sticker rock, where the President vacations on Martha’s vineyard – all the cars drive with windows closed tight. It is 95 degrees outside. Then came along one exception and the sticker that stuck. A rambling wreck of a car with windows open (probably because there was no a/c) and her McCain/Palin sticker on her bumber. It made me think; in this land of the well-to-do, this lady couldn’t afford an a/c for her car, which makes us assume she probably can’t afford health insurance either. We respect her right to vote her choice, but this sticker definitely stuck, as we wondered why she would choose that way. We hope she gets a/c sometime, and we hope she has health care all the time.

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Anonymous said...

Destroying an entire health care system to fix a problem that effects the minority is not what we need. Why don't we take our time and find something that actually might work.

Anonymous said...

Happy not have exchange links: you are nuts!
Why did you propose it in fact?
Just curious

Doctor Faustroll said...

Stupid people need health care too.

My mother was a terminally stupid person who grew up in the depression, the kind of person who gets lumped in with The Greatest Generation — who were essentially dumb kids who let themselves be used as fodder and exploited ever after — and she would have been in a car with McCain/Palin sticker on it with her emphysema bottle from working in a shirt factory.

My opinion continues to be that what the world needs now is nuclear love, and not just for some, but for everyone.

One day there will be a badge on my blog for those who have given up laughing about funny things and howling about routine lunacy. It will say: Bringing on the bomb for chromosomal piece of mind.

Despite what Jim Morrison said, most people not strange. They are horrifyingly ordinary.

Keep up the good work making Rupert wonder what to believe.

Joseph M. Fasciana said...

That lady should move to Alaska and then she won't need A/C

The health care system in our country is mediocre at best.

Every person, created in the image and likeness of God, has a right to life and to those things necessary to sustain life, including affordable, quality health care. This teaching is rooted in the biblical call to heal the sick and to serve "the least of these,"



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