Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Let’s take a close look at who the “screamers” are at the recent town hall health care debates and how to respond to them. The Obama administration has to keep pointing out the savings and the assurance for people who already have health care. These people are worried about it costing too much and they worry about losing it, so Obama has to hammer that point home. And as far as the screamers, not to be harsh on them but whichever group is funding them is isn’t the anti-obesity program. Sadly, a higher percentage of people that have health care turn out to vote than those who don’t, so the pitch must be thus made.

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craighouchin said...

Whether you are for a Health Care reform bill or not, I don't think there in any disagreement that no bill should be voted on before our Congressmen and Senators have read and understood the full thing. v=hfhO38CPlAI

Rob said...

The town hall folks get a lot of flack, but the way I see it, they need to be vociferously loud to counter-balance the mainstream media, that just openly approves, without criticism, anything that the president does.

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