Tuesday, November 24, 2009


No developed country on earth has a private insurance industry that is so profit driven and so high priced that it eats up such a huge percentage of every dollar that Americans earn. In the last 8 years they have ad a 480% profit, and 20% of their workforce is devoted to denying claims. Its as if 20% of the police or fire departments were devoted to stop the call answering of the other 80%. Why is this sustainable? Well, lets just say for starters they donate heavily to political campaign, and mainly to Republicans. Not to say that other parties are free from their own glitch, as we know that "independent" Joe Lieberman's wife is on the payroll of the insurance industry. For 70 years there has been no major health reform, and the Republicans now claim that they have their own bill with better options (under the "fair as they gotta be" doctrine). We ask, what stopped them from putting together this bill when they had a Republican President, house, and Senate? We answer, its because of the Republican donors, and its burning up the economy!

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The BoBo said...

It would be nice if you could post links to support your stats. I worked as a claims processor for one of those evil insurance companies - and - I can tell you I approved a helluva lot more claims than I denied - as did the nearly 100 other claims processors in my office.

This bill is BS. If you want real health care reform - get the government out of it. We didn't have health insurance 50 years ago. Government interference forced Americans in to the purchasing of insurance by not allowing citizens to continue to negotiate pricing with their physicians. The government mandates the pricing structure. As it is, private heath insurers are not allowed to pay more than 150% of Medicare and Medicaid allowable. The RVU's and R&C rates are so freakin' low that physicians are unable to operate as individual practitioners any longer.

REAL reform means driving costs down to make ACCESS to health care affordable - not access to health INSURANCE. This is the first time in history that the government has ever FORCED its citizens to purchase a commercial product. Insurance IS a commercial product and the only one's who will benefit from this bill is the government and the insurance companies.

If this passes - it will be overturned by SCOTUS as it is unconstitutional to force citizens to buy a commercial product. You can't compare Medicare to what is going on. Medicare is a government program that we all pay in to. It is not a commercial product.

Quite frankly, Medicare and Medicaid also are unconstitutional as there is no authority anywhere in there for the funding of such a program. If it were up to me, we would get rid of all of these welfare programs.

The government's job is NOT to take care of the people. It is our own responsibility to do what is necessary to take care of ourselves.

GeniusJunky said...

To The BoBo: Medicare and medicaid might be technically unconstitutional, but that doesn't really matter. It's more a matter of justice.

The BoBo said...

GeniusJunky - if you're referring to "social justice" that has absolutely nothing to do with our constitution. Social justice has to do with morals. Laws are not created to steer morality. Laws are created to protect individual liberty and property. If you want social justice - donate to your favorite charity. Don't rely on the government to do what you should be doing yourself. It is mankind's responsibility to take care of the poor, infirm, and elderly. It is not the responsibility or the job of government to do what man should be doing for their fellow man.

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