Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We’ve heard the phrase “no drama Obama” for his cool and calm demeanor. But that is not when he is at his best; he is at his best when he is campaigning. So out he went; meeting with Democrats willing to talk. Sadly “Republicans willing to talk” seems to be a contradiction in terms these days, because they are the party of no, know, or don’t want to know. In any event the house passed a historic, sweeping healthcare legislation and when the Republicans tried to derail it with a faux-prolife amendment, Representative Stupak of Michigan a leading, anti-abortion activist spoke up saying that this was not about Pro-life this was about anti-healthcare. He pointed out so rightly (as we have on Faux News) that nothing can be more prolife than preventative prenatal healthcare, because to be pro-birth, you would have to be pro-health. And, obviously there is no more a prolife message than a health bill which can reverse this horrible trend of 45,000 Americans dying because of lacking healthcare, although right wingers contend it’s only 30, 0000. Makes you want to say, “feel better already”, doesn’t it?

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