Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lindsey Graham, Republic Senator from South Carolina has many times worked with Democrats, in a more center-right way (but that is who he is) on among other topics immigration reform. Now he is bitterly opposed to the idea that we will be a reconciliation generation, that we will have healthcare reform through reconciliation, that it will be a nine hundred billion dollar bill over ten years, even though the Congressional Budget Office does affirm that monies will be saved this decade and even more the following decade. But those facts aside, he considers reconciliation a sleazy process, yet was unable to answer on This Week why the Republicans had used it far more than the Democrats, including to pass a 1.8 trillion dollar tax cut (twice the size of the health care bill) the biggest such cut in our nation’s history in time of war under (who else?) President George W. Bush. Senator Graham dodged the question, he bobbed, he weaved, and then he said for the Democrats to use reconciliation is like playing football with 12 men on the field, well, actually there are 22 men on the field, but to go beyond that Mr. Graham should have gone all out and attacked with a complete truth, instead of a complete sentence. He should have said that when the Democrats use reconciliation to put through multi-billion dollar bills, who do they think they are…

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