Thursday, April 15, 2010

Several weeks ago we pointed out that Jay Leno due to his, well, lack of being funny was off of prime time and back to late night because he had gone GOP, so he was OPT. Several people had commented that they noticed that about Jay Leno. But this past weekend on Saturday Night Live News, when Tina Faye talked about her new “Sara Palin Network” and listed all sorts of unbelievable titles, she listed also the Jay Leno Show. This is an NBC parody on the NBC late night talk show host. People are starting to notice it. We have plagiarized them in advance, again.

Liz Cheney recently spoke at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference and she’s talking about how we treat the Afghanistan President Karzai, and that we don’t even refer to him as an ally. Of course, he did refer to the American troops as occupiers, and Liz said that she had worked on the Mid East and there was a saying in the Arab world that it is more dangerous to be America’s friend than to be America’s enemy. Of course this comes from when people like Liz Cheney did work in the Mid East. Also it should be pointed out that Afghanistan is not part of the Arab world but the facts never get in the way of the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, or of Liz Cheney, just another Liz Fizz. Karzai, it should also be pointed out has recently considered joining the Taliban, and yet Liz Cheney is in support of him. So, we have to wonder when the Republicans have asked, whose side is President Obama on? We have always said the more important question is who’s side are the Republican’s on? On the side of the man who says American Troops are occupiers and he considered joining the Taliban. Could you picture if a Democrat had said that? That actually would be news that would be on Faux News.

With Justice Stevens retiring, the possible nominees on the short list are Judge Diane Wood (US Court of Appeals7th circuit), Elana Kagan (Solicitor General), Judge Merrick Garland (US Court of Appeals - DC Circuit) and Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano. All these are mainstream, highly qualified possible justices. So, is bipartisanship still in sessions? Well, it is when you talk to Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama. He is the ranking member on the Judiciary Committee and when asked by David Gregory about these people that Mr. Sessions well knows, would any of them be a non starter? He gave the classic shadow answer, “we have to look deeply into their background”. Among other things, we have to make sure they pass Clarence Thomas’ criteria for having a large enough porn collection, I guess. But with this answer you know it’s going to be a fight, there is no way to unite the un-unite-able because partisanship is in Sessions.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Very much in the news (especially in the comic news) is the good ole boys night out to watch the good looking young girls night in at the voyeurs club in Los Angeles. All the pundits nationally made fun of the Republicans since this “non family values adventure” was to be charged to the RNC, well almost all. The exception was Jay Leno, to whom we shall henceforth refer by the moniker J.O.P. – “Jay’s Off Primetime”. And when you hear his latest round of jokes you can figure out why. Here is how he framed the blame involving the young right wing conservative’s foray into nude lesbian foreplay; he refers to the incident and then he concluded “now that’s something that the Republicans and Democrats can agree on”. Only Mr. Leno could gear up his humor in such a faux neutral way to have his punch line poke fun of Democrats for the Republicans night out, no make that blight out. That’s why he’s now JOP as in “Jay’s off primetime”.
P.S. David Letterman was the man and got it right pointing out that any party who could do so well at tying up health care and other important matters in congress would certainly be comfortable watching women be tied up.

Putting aside the 15-20 thousand or so that RNC chairman Michale Steele has spent on private jets and luxury suites, much more attention is being paid to the approximately $2000 that the RNC recently spent at a LA strip club. It seems the party of the good ole boys enjoyed watching good looking young girls engage in simulated acts of lesbian sex and bondage. What be wrong with this situation? The RNC said they are not sure which members were at the club, but guarantee this time Mr. Steele wasn’t there. The evening was paid for on the credit card of a noted young conservative Christian leader named Eric Brown. A lady was there from the Republican organization “Young Eagles” (also enjoying the show), and assured Mr. Brown he would be reimbursed by the RNC.
Most interesting is the treatment of this by an often impaired and imbalanced news organization which had as their byline “Democrats and Republicans exchange accusations over LA strip club incident”. Cute, aint it? They managed to get Democrats in the headline of a totally Republican fiasco. What did the Democrats do wrong here, other than laughing to heartily at Mr. Steele’s embarrassment? But, that’s the problem with such biased coverage; it can get all fluxed up

One of the states challenging the constitutionality of the health care law is Idaho and this is not an animal house moment, but the Governors name is C. L. “Butch” Otter. They have signed a law to sue the federal government for requiring people to get health insurance. Interestingly, Idaho has the fewest doctors per capita in the country, so maybe such an approach isn’t an “animal house” moment, but a “Mr. potato head” moment.

Consider these felonies on the current news scene; a militant Christian organization called “Huratee” plans to create unrest by killing one police officer and killing many more at his funeral. Consider the case of Scott Broder convicted of the pre meditated murder of an abortion doctor who was sentenced this past week. His reasoning given in a rambling statement was that he got his inspiration from the scriptures. Just as current are the awful suicide bombings in Chechnya where dozens of people were murdered by 2 female Moslem suicide bombers who replicated that religion’s sad tradition of viewing murder as a solution. As we contemplate these religious fundamentalists we can’t help but think what a fundamentally more peaceful world this would be without such mindsets. Perhaps their religious leaders should focus more on the topic of respect for life vs. ritual and that the taking of life is the ultimate act of blasphemy.

The Faux News Network Principles

A) We distort, you abide
B) Or we retort if you deride, unless we choose not to
C) Complete sentences are acceptable in lieu of complete truths
D) It’s OK to criticize the 2006 Democratic Congress for all America’s problems since 2001
E) We shoot from the flip
F) We’re not always accurate but we’re always certain
G) On what we feel is wrong in this world, we can’t stop people from saying I don’t agree or I don’t care, but we won’t let them say I didn’t know
H) The director’s board has a whim of irony
I) In times of emergency, we should rally around our President: In times of democracy he should do the same for us
J) We proudly plagiarize in advance, examples available upon request
K) It’s easy to be fun-based when you’re fact based
L) Good news parody makes for good news parity
M) And, of course, our goal is and always will be to be the most trusted name in Faux News