Sunday, April 4, 2010

Putting aside the 15-20 thousand or so that RNC chairman Michale Steele has spent on private jets and luxury suites, much more attention is being paid to the approximately $2000 that the RNC recently spent at a LA strip club. It seems the party of the good ole boys enjoyed watching good looking young girls engage in simulated acts of lesbian sex and bondage. What be wrong with this situation? The RNC said they are not sure which members were at the club, but guarantee this time Mr. Steele wasn’t there. The evening was paid for on the credit card of a noted young conservative Christian leader named Eric Brown. A lady was there from the Republican organization “Young Eagles” (also enjoying the show), and assured Mr. Brown he would be reimbursed by the RNC.
Most interesting is the treatment of this by an often impaired and imbalanced news organization which had as their byline “Democrats and Republicans exchange accusations over LA strip club incident”. Cute, aint it? They managed to get Democrats in the headline of a totally Republican fiasco. What did the Democrats do wrong here, other than laughing to heartily at Mr. Steele’s embarrassment? But, that’s the problem with such biased coverage; it can get all fluxed up

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