Thursday, April 15, 2010

Liz Cheney recently spoke at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference and she’s talking about how we treat the Afghanistan President Karzai, and that we don’t even refer to him as an ally. Of course, he did refer to the American troops as occupiers, and Liz said that she had worked on the Mid East and there was a saying in the Arab world that it is more dangerous to be America’s friend than to be America’s enemy. Of course this comes from when people like Liz Cheney did work in the Mid East. Also it should be pointed out that Afghanistan is not part of the Arab world but the facts never get in the way of the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, or of Liz Cheney, just another Liz Fizz. Karzai, it should also be pointed out has recently considered joining the Taliban, and yet Liz Cheney is in support of him. So, we have to wonder when the Republicans have asked, whose side is President Obama on? We have always said the more important question is who’s side are the Republican’s on? On the side of the man who says American Troops are occupiers and he considered joining the Taliban. Could you picture if a Democrat had said that? That actually would be news that would be on Faux News.

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