Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We hear that Sara Palin has spunk. My terrier has spunk, he’s 15 lbs, he bit a deer on the leg, he’s killed a number of moles and other rodents, he faces anything down (faced two foxes in a fight and drove them off) now my terrier has spunk. He however, despite his total self confidence, gets no responsibility in long term financial or healthcare planning for the family. Now for those of you who are offended with me comparing Sara Palin to an animal, she always does that with herself. She was a pit-bull with lipstick, then she was a Mama Grizzly, so should she get executive office. I think we are entitled to know what species she’d serve as. And again on the matter of spunk, she can’t match up with my Dash.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't forget her high school nickname: "Barracuda"

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