Thursday, September 2, 2010

Palin uses Twitter, Dash uses Barker but apparently they have been able to communicate and we will be giving you at Faux News some excerpts of their recent and ongoing debate.
Dash began: “You say you’re a Pit bull with lipstick, I’m not scared of Pit-bulls, I’m all muscle and I’m way quicker than them and by the way I know how to snap a neck”
Palin:“Did I tell you I’m a really big Pit-bull with lots of lipstick? And also I can morph into other species.”
Dash: “I attack other species; I recently bit a 200 pound deer on the leg and have in the past killed numerous lizards and other animals”.
Palin:”Did I tell you that I’ve switched from being a Pitt-Bull to a Mama Grizzly? And tell me how some little cultish Terrier is going to stand against that.”
Dash: “Listen, you have no idea of my speed and what I got through on death row. You’re on “speech row” and my needs are much fewer, just a couple bowls full of the proper food each day and a few of my stuffed animal possessions. You however are on a money tour. “
Palin; “Listen just because you no longer have to go out on a leash and are trained, the Republicans took the leash off me after the first month in the McCain campaign. I take no backseat to you. Besides, if I believed and understood evolution, I’d know that dogs are the decedents of Mid East wolves, and I hunt wolves, Dash.”

Dash: “According to Levi Johnson (you’re almost son-in-law several times), you don’t know how to operate a gun, much less shoot one. Based on your aim, I’m safe, I’ll just lean right, fake left; all you do is shoot right.”
Palin: “Are you just like this mixed Terrier, of supposedly Tibetan Squirrel Terrier? Are there any squirrels even in Tibet?”
Dash: “Which shows what a good job the breed did, Terriers are the smartest dogs, not that I want to throw up your education, and I question it. I went to puppy-obedience school and completed the class the first time.”
Palin: “Puppy Obedience School!? I went to college.”
Dash: “Colleges, you went to six of them, we are not even sure you got a degree. And I got the silver medal for puppy sit-ups.”
Palin: “This is incredible, I am arguing with a Terrier and what’s this about, The Book of Dash on Faux News Network?”
Dash: “Yes, folks felt the need to talk about me, and incidentally, I apparently wrote the same percentage of my book that you wrote of yours.”


Anonymous said...

Absolutely wonderful..... I think Dash wins this round ... Jane

Gary Anderson said...

Dash is a terrier, but Palin is a potential terrorist. All neocons love to hate. Carribou Barbie thinks she has antlers but those should be reserved for bucks. She just thinks she is a buck.

RE said...

hey why not put her up against somebody who's ready for the job - like a Jack Russell. he's gonna run her and run her and then out jump her before he humps her and then as always dumps her. that's why I looooooove Jack Russells, no body tells them what to do. ask mariah carey she's got 5 of em and they run shit.

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