Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Word to the following political personas:
Pres. Obama
Mr. Romney
Mr. Gingrich
Curb your exuberance.
For Mr. Obama, when you were sure or hoped that the unemployment rate would drop much faster than it did, rather than being a little more measured conserving your expectation about it going to the 8% and 7%, which it may well do, but your comment was ahead of schedule, and that embarrassed you.
Mr. Romney who was convinced he was about to sweep all 3 primaries only to find out Iowa got switched around and in SC he got turned upside down, it was obvious that he had too much exuberance.
When early polls showed Newt Gingrich had Iowa he was giving “Ayes to the Newt” and said it was obvious he would be the nominee. He got waxed in Iowa, beaten soundly in NH, and suddenly aided by Mr. Romney’s inept debate performance and explanation of his personal finances, there again were Ayes for the Newt.
But everyone should remember to keep expectations calm. Curb your exuberance. Don’t spike the ball on the 10 yard line, or in the case of some of these guys, the 20 or the 30; score first.

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