Wednesday, January 25, 2012

To Would Be Terrorists (the Navy Seal Of Approval) Yet Again

Just before our President gave his State of the Union Address we found that a bunch of Somali pirates holding hostages, one American and one from Denmark, once again were treated to the Obama terrorist/dictator retirement plan. That’s ‘cause our head of state gets them shot in the head. Like the first Somali pirates who commandeered that ship, like Bin Laden, like Mr. Gadhafi, like the other 21 members of Al Quaeda since Mr. Obama became President, and probably an Iranian scientist or two, or five. They have basically been dealt with in the same manner. The manner in which they deserve. But I think these people, whether it’s the Iranians advertising for other scientists or the surmise of future pirates could kind of take this lemon and make it lemonade and say as follows: “We pay you more now because when this guy in the White House talks about people retiring, he obviously doesnt mean you. So there's no need for a 401K.”!!!!!

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