Wednesday, February 29, 2012

“Bipartisanism” Frankly Speaking

Barney Frank, D-MA coined the phrase; that my gosh, has resonance the more you think of it from the Jim DeMints etc; oh the phrase, “Anti-Semites for Israel.” It has a ring. It has factual basis. There’s
Sarah Palin who was heavily involved in the movement Jews For Jesus, and we all know that’s a contradiction in terms. But strong for Israel: Sarah Palin. Michele Bachmann the evangelical her way or no way, but she worked on a kibbutz. So, anti-Semites for Israel, you just can’t stop saying it. But it is in its own strange way the ultimate bipartisan coming together of what should maybe be a party?!!!!!

Bit By Bit - Mitt Defines Mitt

Mitt Romney says forget religion, forget the social issues, he says it’s the deficit, it’s the fact that this country is hemorrhaging money and not spending responsibly. Mitt makes that point while having raised over $1.3 million during January through his SuperPac. Now, spending money they raised is fair. Here's the interesting part, they spent $3.1 million. Mitt Romney’s own SuperPac dedicated to promoting financial stability has spent over 2.5 times what it received. People will be waiting to get paid while he misspends their money. Gee doesn’t that sound like something bit by bit Mr. Mitt might have critisized our government for?!!!!!

Bit By Bit - Let Mitt Explain Mitt

A study by the government accountability office in 2008 found that 55% of American companies pay no federal income taxes at least 1 year in a 7 year period. Now, Mitt Romney claimed that corporations are people. He also claimed that how about the people who don’t pay any federal income tax overlooking the withholding, etc. But the amount of people who don’t pay federal income tax are well under half of the population, whereas
in the corporate world it’s well over half. And since to repeat Mitt says corporations are people, will he crack down? Or bit by bit, will we learn more about Mitt?!!!!!

She Truly Had Hart For Her Craft And Her Calling

Delores Hart was going to be the next great beauty after Grace Kelly. A natural beauty, untouched by cosmetic enhancements, dazzling on the screen, co-starring with Elvis Presley in King Creole and
also Where The Boys Are. She was engaged to marry one of the most successful realtors in California when she suddenly realized she had a higher calling. She felt she had to work for the Lord. She joined a
nunnery where she is to this day, but is still an Academy voting member, as she kept her membership. Her former suitor visited her several times a year as they would walk and hold hands. This went on for 40+ years until he passed away. She apparently never regretted her life which imitated the art in which the lovely lady decides to become a devoted nun. You gotta give Delores Hart credit for the heart that she had for her beliefs.!!!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Traditionally in this country and sometimes in Israel as well, Orthodox Jewry has been noted for standing on the political right and all the proactive military policy that goes with it. That said, this might be changing soon, at least in Israel, since the Israeli Supreme Court has just invalidated military exemption for the ultra-Orthodox Jews who were previously allowed to use their engagement in religious studies as an exemption. As a Vietnam era draftee who witnessed so many of his most conservative friends engage in waving the flag (copiously) and working on their personal draft exemptions(passionately and usually successfully), I have to chuckle.

The ultra-Orthodox who are known as Haredim, (translation; those who tremble before G-d), may now find themselves trembling before their drill Sargent, I sure did. From grounded in the Torah to soldier on the ground, who knew?!!!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

No Dame Sense

An appeal on contraception was held recently in Washington and it was the usual approach for women’s issues – all run by men. There wasn’t a single female person on the panel. Which brings us back to a statement we made some years ago when we said in an ideal world there’d be a universal draft for men. Only of course, men would have charge of women’s contraception and women would run all the draft boards. Signing on guys?


The sportsworld is saddened by the passing of hall of fame catcher Gary Carter. He was apower hitting, clutch hitting, team leading player who was the best at hisposition defensively for his era. As a player on the 1986 Mets, he wasinstrumental in making them world champions. During that time he became knownfor his love for the fans, the audience, the photags, and thus was dubbed “Camera”by his fellow players. But speaking of nicknames, his signature one in factwhich fit him so well was “Kid” Carter. It’s been said about baseball, you’vegot to have a lot of little boy in you to play that game. Well Gary Carter the “Kid”indeed had a lot of little boy in him, a lot of game, and he will be missed.

Common Cents

Right now it costs over $.02 to make every penny and over $.11 cents to make every nickel. The Obama administration has requested a change in metal being used so that common sense will make common cents!!!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

1%, 2%, Taking Stock On The Great Warren

Warren Buffet, the Oracle of Omaha (one of the many complimentary names he’s called), has said the stock market is the place to be, stay with equities and bonds are a bad investment. What is heartening
is that Europe, which is just 2% of our exports, as they go up and down is actually not tail wagging (at least for the moment) our Dow Jones dog. Stay tuned if the market does the fall but for now it appears like
there’s a lot to be said for not listening to the 2% on equity investing, let alone the 1% on tax policy.!!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Plagiarizing in Advance Again with contributions from the band Ironix have emphasized Mitt Romney’s bending, twisting, working the crowds to the tune of of Joanie Mitchell’s Both Sides Now. David Brooks babbles not when his article “The Crowd Pleaser,” about Romney bending to every crowd, says exactly
the same thing. We owe the erudite Mr. Brooks an apology as far as plagiarizing in advance. This trend of ours pops up from time to time. We’re not sure quite how to cure it. Again we hope Mr. Brooks will understand and keep on keeping on.!!!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Nays Are Here Again

Republicans should be happy but they’re saying nay. The patriotic party which loves this country should revel in the fact that we’ve had the best jobs report in the last 3 years, and the best stock market for their rich base in the last 4 years. But they don’t seem to be. They’re smiling to themselves but they’re publically complaining because that can’t admit Barack Obama can do anything right even if he said that Monday followed Sunday. The happy nays are here again.!!!!!

Republican Turn Out – Taking The Low Road

People are commenting on the “scorched earth” campaign Newt Gingrich has taken against Mitt Romney, which he certainly did against Newt in turning FL around. Just as bit by bit Mitt explains Mitt, what explains why all the Republican primaries and caucuses have a lower turn out than in ‘08?
Was it the great energy of John McCain, or the intellect of Sarah Palin? Were the disinterests of this party and their candidates and the reluctance of, let’s say it, the support of a Mormon? We don’t know but the fact that all these major primaries both in FL and (we understand) in South Carolina and definitely in Nevada had much, much lower turnouts than last time around. At least participation-wise the Republicans are taking the low road.!!!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Trumping Reason - Bit By Bit Defining Mitt

Donald Trump has made the endorsement people expected not of whom they expected, namely he went with Mitt Romney instead of Newt Gingrich. Interesting gift he’s given since three times as many people in national polls say they are less likely to vote for a candidate that Trump recommends than they are likely to vote for Trumps recommendation. Trumping common sense, but how does Mitt Romney pay the Donald back? Maybe Donald wants a share of Mitts real hair?!!!!!


The nation and much of the world was treated last night to a super Super Bowl, especially from the view of the Giants fans (disclaimer; that includes me). That said, we saw two very contreversial plays; 1. Why you should not always score a touchdown (at least not just yet) and 2. Why an obvious penalty turns into a real benefit. First the touchdown; Ahmad Bradshaw thought about it, stumbled and then fell backwards into the end zone, giving the Giants a 21-17 lead, but allowing the magnificent Tom Brady almost a minute to work with to come back and score. The Giants could have and probably should have run more time off the clock. Second, an obvious penalty against the Giants hurt the Patriots due to a flawed rule. With 17 seconds to go, the Giants defense had 12 men on the field (accidentally on purpose?), and thus was able to double cover every deep receiver. The cost to the Giants was only 5 yards. The cost to the Patriots was eight irreplaceable seconds of the remaining 17 in the game, helping prevent their potential comeback from happening. Watch for the NFL to make part of the penalty replacing lost time on the clock in such situations. But so it ended, the Giants are the champions in a very Super, Super Bowl!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


When Mr. Romney runs against Mr. Obama in the presidential race this fall, they can each claim having introduced a certain tradition to the Jewish folks. In the case of Mr. Obama he began the custom of Passover Seders in the White House. In the case of then Governor Romney, as reported today by the
NY Post, he had the idea of saving money on kosher meals while letting residents of a Jewish home for the elderly eat pork. Mr. Romney’s idea was “vetoed,” but hey, the thought was there. Tradition,
tradition, tradition.!!!!!

The Faux News Network Principles

A) We distort, you abide
B) Or we retort if you deride, unless we choose not to
C) Complete sentences are acceptable in lieu of complete truths
D) It’s OK to criticize the 2006 Democratic Congress for all America’s problems since 2001
E) We shoot from the flip
F) We’re not always accurate but we’re always certain
G) On what we feel is wrong in this world, we can’t stop people from saying I don’t agree or I don’t care, but we won’t let them say I didn’t know
H) The director’s board has a whim of irony
I) In times of emergency, we should rally around our President: In times of democracy he should do the same for us
J) We proudly plagiarize in advance, examples available upon request
K) It’s easy to be fun-based when you’re fact based
L) Good news parody makes for good news parity
M) And, of course, our goal is and always will be to be the most trusted name in Faux News