Friday, February 24, 2012


Traditionally in this country and sometimes in Israel as well, Orthodox Jewry has been noted for standing on the political right and all the proactive military policy that goes with it. That said, this might be changing soon, at least in Israel, since the Israeli Supreme Court has just invalidated military exemption for the ultra-Orthodox Jews who were previously allowed to use their engagement in religious studies as an exemption. As a Vietnam era draftee who witnessed so many of his most conservative friends engage in waving the flag (copiously) and working on their personal draft exemptions(passionately and usually successfully), I have to chuckle.

The ultra-Orthodox who are known as Haredim, (translation; those who tremble before G-d), may now find themselves trembling before their drill Sargent, I sure did. From grounded in the Torah to soldier on the ground, who knew?!!!!!

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