Monday, February 6, 2012


The nation and much of the world was treated last night to a super Super Bowl, especially from the view of the Giants fans (disclaimer; that includes me). That said, we saw two very contreversial plays; 1. Why you should not always score a touchdown (at least not just yet) and 2. Why an obvious penalty turns into a real benefit. First the touchdown; Ahmad Bradshaw thought about it, stumbled and then fell backwards into the end zone, giving the Giants a 21-17 lead, but allowing the magnificent Tom Brady almost a minute to work with to come back and score. The Giants could have and probably should have run more time off the clock. Second, an obvious penalty against the Giants hurt the Patriots due to a flawed rule. With 17 seconds to go, the Giants defense had 12 men on the field (accidentally on purpose?), and thus was able to double cover every deep receiver. The cost to the Giants was only 5 yards. The cost to the Patriots was eight irreplaceable seconds of the remaining 17 in the game, helping prevent their potential comeback from happening. Watch for the NFL to make part of the penalty replacing lost time on the clock in such situations. But so it ended, the Giants are the champions in a very Super, Super Bowl!!!!!!

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A) We distort, you abide
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H) The director’s board has a whim of irony
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