Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What’s Broken in Florida

What’s broken in Florida is not George Zimmerman’s nose. The lawyer for George Zimmerman had said he claimed his nose was broken
in the fight and he also had a gash in the back of his head. So he brings up the argument for self defense. So let’s look at the photos. Oh wait, he took none. But there are some surveillance videos shot after Trayvon Martin was lying there dead and it shows Mr. Zimmerman with the police and his head and face are visible the whole time and they are unmarked.

What has left a mark is Florida justice and hopefully this makes a mark on
people. You gotta wonder how these self appointed yahoos can carry guns and do what police can’t, shoot people without reports or accountability. No policeman can do that nor should they. And this guy, unmarked, un-bloodied and in their attitude un-bowed, never even has to make a report on how he took another human life. There is a lot broken in Florida but none of it is George Zimmerman’s nose.

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