Sunday, September 30, 2012


Air Mitt or should we say err Mitt (as in e-r-r) has surfaced in one of the more interesting press conferences held by Willard Mitt Romney. In fact, this past Saturday he was talking about the electrical fire on the plane which Mrs. Romney was flying and thank heaven everyone was okay, and he went on to say the problem with such a thing is that you have no place to go on a plane.  Well we knew that at Real Fox News.  But then he went on to say that “because you can’t open the windows for ouside oxygen and why haven’t they figured out how to do that.  And our answer would be because an open window or windows at 400-500 miles per hour would have some other logistical difficulties. Okay, we did say that Republican compassion is to compassion as Republican science is to science.  But really Mitt, power windows on a flying jet aircraft?  Seriously?

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