Sunday, September 30, 2012

Honestly, It’s Good That Linda McMahon Is Running For Senate. 

It’s good that Linda McMahon is running for senate.  It’s good for the people who were out almost a million dollars from the banks in 1975.  Of course, I’d be curious to know just what that computes in today’s dollars, in lost opportunity, etc.  But it’s good for them because she’s planning on paying it back.  It’s good for all the printers who get her business.  Many printers have benefited over the years from her in New Hampshire.  More recently it appears some in CT because they would not if she wasn’t running for senate.  And it’s good for the state of CT because she is now caught up in our taxes in the “luxury mansion.”  Good for her.  And to repeat, it is honestly good she is running for senate.  But of course if she were all that honest she wouldn’t have had to run for senate to pay back all those debts of those people who trusted her that she burnt; to pay the taxes she had due.  And maybe she’ll even get around retroactively to giving her former employees health care and benefits they never had.  In fact if we could keep Linda McMahon running for office and losing, we think she could do a lot of good.

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