Thursday, August 8, 2013

Baseball trying, football lying

Baseball and football are different sports. Baseball is America’s pastime, day after day, month after month, football is America’s event. For example, so many fall and winter Sundays are built around the NFL, particularly the playoffs and most particularly the Super Bowl. That said, baseball has suspended a goodly number of stars for violating its rules against using PED’s, while football has shown much less proactivity in monitoring its cheaters. Maybe it’s because baseball drug offenders skew the record books that we all hold so dear and offensive linemen weighing over 300 pounds do not. Case in point, in 1970 only 1 NFL player weighed more than said 300 pounds while now there are nearly 600 so supersized. So it seems fair to say that while baseball is at least trying, football is still lying, to its fans and maybe to itself.

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