Friday, August 2, 2013

Forget Twitter, the next big thing is Barker

Some dogged entrepreneurs (pardon the pun) have come up with a station on cable to entertain "man's best friend". What it is, is a channel about dogs for dogs showing the dogs so they can hear dogs when they're alone in the house. However, unlike many cable stations it will not be free, we understand that the cost is $4.99 a month. Why the surcharge? Well because normally cable stations make their income from advertisements as their happy viewers whip out their credit card and spend on advertised  products. We expect the "viewers" of this canine cable source will be happy, but we believe the people who are marketing are correct...most of us don't give our pets purchasing power, as much as we love them.

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The Faux News Network Principles

A) We distort, you abide
B) Or we retort if you deride, unless we choose not to
C) Complete sentences are acceptable in lieu of complete truths
D) It’s OK to criticize the 2006 Democratic Congress for all America’s problems since 2001
E) We shoot from the flip
F) We’re not always accurate but we’re always certain
G) On what we feel is wrong in this world, we can’t stop people from saying I don’t agree or I don’t care, but we won’t let them say I didn’t know
H) The director’s board has a whim of irony
I) In times of emergency, we should rally around our President: In times of democracy he should do the same for us
J) We proudly plagiarize in advance, examples available upon request
K) It’s easy to be fun-based when you’re fact based
L) Good news parody makes for good news parity
M) And, of course, our goal is and always will be to be the most trusted name in Faux News