Sunday, December 16, 2007


Yesterday a youngster from the South, Little Rock, as in Arkansas, got his first real taste of a northeast winter and literally dashed through the snow. I say literally because his name is Dash and he’s a dog who’s been rescued from an untimely end by a warm and wonderful group who run the “Little Souls Foundation”. It’s based in Connecticut and adopts only a few dogs at a time, and these good boys and girls are given the chance they deserve and are placed only with people in Connecticut. Our pup is of a very rare breed: a Tibetan Squirrel Terrier to be exact. His lineage was discovered by his obedience school instructor (another good story for the future) and it should be of note that Tibetan Squirrel Terriers are unbelievably rare. Why, because it’s a made up breed, as our little mutt is not pure bred, he’s multiply pure bred, he’s that mixed. And, when my sister Lois pointed out that there are no squirrels in Tibet; that just shows the great job the “breed” has done.
Should you wish to consider having a warm friend of your own, all initial contact should be via e-mail to; include your home phone, as opposed to a call. And tell them you saw their name on Fauxnewsnetwork and we’ll keep on woofing.

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A) We distort, you abide
B) Or we retort if you deride, unless we choose not to
C) Complete sentences are acceptable in lieu of complete truths
D) It’s OK to criticize the 2006 Democratic Congress for all America’s problems since 2001
E) We shoot from the flip
F) We’re not always accurate but we’re always certain
G) On what we feel is wrong in this world, we can’t stop people from saying I don’t agree or I don’t care, but we won’t let them say I didn’t know
H) The director’s board has a whim of irony
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K) It’s easy to be fun-based when you’re fact based
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