Monday, November 3, 2008


Obama loses with 268 electoral votes and losing another 70 to states with voting machines, recounts etc. Supreme court insists on a revote. When Mr. McCain wins, please please don't aggrevate him. Just because your blood pressure is up don't get his up, need incentive? consider this phrase...President Sarah Palin.

Raymond S.T. Coadd;
Thanks to an extreme amount of support from right wing Jews McCain wins every swing state by .0004 percent. McCain loses popular vote by 8 million. To ensure further such “success” the Republicans fund a new organization called “Rabbis for Jews for Jesus” with the motto “better the anti-semite you know than the anti semite you don’t”.

Charles A. Sandras;
Obama wins after a 60 day recount due to challenges involving among other things ACORN. For those not familiar with ACORN’s problems, homeless people given vote list to fill out completed one list with the names Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. The republicans base their protest on 2 factors. 1. Sexism because Minny Mouse and Daizy Duck were not included and 2. The notorious rightwing Disney would have only republican characters. The democrats finally win believe it or not when supreme court justice Scalia changes his vote due to family values issues upon learning that both Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck plan to come to the polls as usual not wearing pants.

Northern Reb;
Obama wins with 300 electoral votes. Ohio goes to McCain; Florida and Pennsylvania to Obama. McCain goes back to denouncing Falwell and Palin immediately announces a 2012 run. She hires Karl Rove as her manager.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Norm -
If there was ever a night for a "shechayanu" this is certainly it:
"Blessed are You, LORD, our God, King of the universe, who has kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion."

-Len Burres

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