Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Dick Dale, king of the electric guitar whose credits include the Frankie Avalon beach movies turns 72 today. Dick renewed his fame when his track was played with the opening scene of the movie Pulp Fiction, and we have seen him live as well. In the movies he had a scene where he played the electric guitar in the water. We at the Faux are great fans of Mr. Dale, but in terms of attempting an electri guitar in the water we say…please don’t try this at home.

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Me-Me King said...

I, too, am a HUGE fan of Dick Dale. There's something about his sound that is so haunting.

Anonymous said...

I had the pleasure of playing back up guitar for Dick Dale in the mid 60's. I was very young and it was a great learning experience; Dick was a major influence in my life.
Happy Birthday Dick.


Luke said...

Dick Dale performed free a few summers ago on the Santa Monica Pier in Santa Monica, CA. His son, who was about 15 at the time, played both guitar and drums in the band. Even at about age 70, Dick Dale still R-O-C-K-S!!

He has great stage presence and is quite funny. Agent Orange, an old school punk band, opened the show and he loves them. Great show from a consummate showman.

Daryl said...

Saw a video of him and his band band from 1962. The guy was doing stuff that's still out there.

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