Sunday, May 17, 2009


In his speech at Yad Vashem holocaust center in Jerusalem, the pope was trying to craft a message which did everything but cut to the heart of the matter. Namely, that the 6 million Jews were not killed by some natural tragedy, they were systematically tortured and destroyed by the nazis. Thats a very sad thing. Because if anti-communist Nixon could reach out to China, as the liberal President Clinton could reach out on welfare reform, and as Ronald Reagan could produce the earned income tax credit, they all were able to go against their stereotype. Members of the Hitler youth group were Nazi party members, who pursued with vigor their horrible task. The least he could have done would be to use the word "NAZI" (the party of the Hitler youth of which he was a member), when describing the perpetrators of this awful tragedy. It would not bring any of the dead back to life, but it would give those that survived a bit of a better pulse rate to hear that from the head of the Catholic church. But he worked around those words and was not so artsily crafty.

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