Friday, October 15, 2010

He was hated in a visceral way; he was considered maybe a greater threat to the population in general than a nuclear attack. He was going to disrupt all that was moral and good. His name was (and is) Robert Edwards he was a British Biologist that developed in vitro fertilization leading to the birth of test tube babies. He recently received the Nobel Prize, but it is worth looking at how the conservative establishment detested him and came at him from every level. It is one of the quintessential examples of right wing anti-history which becomes main stream fact once time passes. Obviously for those who cannot have babies any other way this is a godsend and it is now quite common place as was pointed out by Robin Marantz Henig, in a NY Times article this week, that no one gives it a second thought. But at one time they gave it many thoughts and this man, this great man, said that just because something can be misused doesn’t mean it will be; it’s the counter of just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should. And it reminds us again of the conservative physiological subconscious and often conscience mantra that nothing should ever be done for the first time. There are a lot of living families that are glad it was and glad it is.

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