Friday, October 15, 2010

In Tennessee there is a town which is basically Tea Bag Nation, everything is privatized, and everything is for profit, no big government. The Fire Department requires you pay “fire insurance”, $50.00 each household so then you have bought into this private capitalistic non-governmental market fire protection. Ok, it seems this past week there was a fire in that town. One of the people had not paid the fire insurance, the fire department showed up and they watched it burn to the ground with a number of pets inside dying in the fire. They were there to make sure the next door neighbor’s house which had paid the fire insurance was not endangered by the fire burning down. Neighbors showed up and offered the fire department hundreds of dollars, I am going to say a $1,000.00 to put out the fire but they refused because “the insurance” had not been paid in advance. They’ve often said people deserve the government they get, and the town of Tea Party Tennessee is a case in point. Because while they now require people to pay for fire protection, what happens when police and emergency room services are next? And how about this one gang, what if someone is denied such assistance, perishes, and then they discover a clerical error…the person had actually paid! May the tea baggers among us be the first to be bagged in the Tea Party Nation.


Ben said...

This story is heartbreaking. What a-holes for allowing these people's lives to be ruined. I heard Glen Beck made fun of them the next day too.

Anonymous said...

A Poem that should be checked out for the Political

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