Monday, January 31, 2011

As we approach Super Bowl (45) XLV, writer Jere Longman of the New York Times pointed out an interesting trend for those who have the Super Bowl Championship as the center of their sporting year. The players have gotten better and certainly bigger. But is it worth the weight? Consider the heaviest player on the Packers in Super Bowl 1 was Ron Kostelnik, he was a defensive tackle weighing 250 lbs. There are 13 members on the Packers now who weight more than 300. And here how it’s gone league –wise; in 1970 one player in the league weighed 300, there were three 300 pounders by 1980, ten years later. There were 94 in 1990, 300 in the year 2000 and as the teams opened last year there were 532 players in the league weighing 300 lbs or more. We’re not sure if anyone checks these guys medically, but instead of saying supersize me, they may want to go back to their families and saysupervise me.

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